Program Registration

Program Registration

        December Program Registration! Registration is now available for our free family programs scheduled for the month of December. Come join us for Building Incredible Babies, Strong Start, and our Parent Sessions. Below is the program registration link:...

Supervisor – Smart Play Programs

CHANCES is hiring for the position of Supervisor – Smart Play Programs in Cardigan and Vernon River. Role: The Smart Play Supervisor is responsible for the delivery of quality programs for children, parents/caregivers who are participants of CHANCES Smart Play. The...

Playing with Stories

“Playing with Stories” is a free early years program for children aged 2-8 years and their parents/caregiver(s). Through play, art, music and storytelling children will have fun creating & building their own stories. Healthy food is provided!...

CHANCES – Summer Celebration!

Parents/caregivers and children from birth to 6 years are invited to join us for a fun-filled celebration with games, art and sensory activities, and snacks to celebrate Summer 2022. Date: Wednesday, June 29 10:00-1:00 Location: Prince Street School Playground –...

CHANCES Smart Play Summer 2022 Registration

Registration is now open for the following Smart Play Summer Programs from July 4 to August 31st, 2022: Smart Play Murphy’s Smart Play Ferry Road Smart Play Kensington Click the link below to register: Register here Registering does not guarantee a spot, as spaces are...

Special Notice -CHANCES Programs

Please be advised of the following information related to CHANCES programming effective January 5 – 17, 2022: Smart Start – (Early Learning & Child Care) CHANCES Smart Start Programs are operating as usual, with any cancellations being updated in the...